It's Organic. So It's Better... Right?

Understanding the real meaning of "Organic".

Lorraine R.

11/6/20231 min read

Organic text
Organic text

So we're going to get straight into it. Does organic mean it's better? The answer is simply NO!
The confusion here is that once people see the organic stamp, they think it means it's healthier, and that is completely wrong. An item being organic has nothing to do with how nutritious it is for you but with how the ingredients were prepared, raised, and created.

1. No chemicals are added to make them stay fresh for an unnatural amount of time.
2. No chemicals were used to kill bugs and weeds that grow during the process.
3. No radiation to sterilize food.
4. No chemicals were used to clean It. (Ammonia)
5. No antibiotics or hormones are pumped into animals.
6. Mainly, No Synthetic Pesticides were sprayed on It.

Yes, no matter if it's organic or not, pesticides are still used, but the difference is that they can't be synthetic. When tested for pesticides, organic food usually comes back with fewer pesticides than conventional crops. There is no such thing as having no pesticides, as they will all have them, but the organic ones will have less of them, making them a "better" option. The only reason pesticides are sometimes used with organic food is because farmers can lose up to 40% of their crops to pests. So when all goes wrong with maintaining crops, farmers are "allowed" to use pesticides, but once again, they must be natural.
This is why properly washing your fruits and vegetables before consuming or cooking them
is VERY important!